GENerate 2168 is a place-making project – a collaboration between young people, artists and community workers in the neighbourhoods of Miller and its surrounding suburbs.
In 2019, the 2168 Interagency coalition between CuriousWorks, CORE Community Services, Evolve Housing and Mission Australia opened up the Miller Youth Space and kept it running every Wednesday until it was shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2020 -2021, CuriousWorks began work on the first Generate Festival, that eventually came to fruition in April – May 2022. It included six-week youth workshops, community events like one-off workshops and a community film screening, the GEN2168 Youth Leadership Council, and a final showcase festival day at the Miller Mission Australia space.

Image: CuriousWorks

Image: CuriousWorks

Image: CuriousWorks
Generate 2168 Program Producer: Samantha Barahona
2022 Festival Designer: San May
2022 Festival Video: Shot and edited by Adam McPhilbin
GEN2168 was proudly supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, CreateNSW and Liverpool City Council.